This Wyrd World

Unbreakable: A Life Story

Episode Summary

In this episode I get swept up into the incredible, yet traumatic, life-story of Shelly Moram. Shelly was born into a very strict sect of Jehovahs Witnesses and during her early years experienced deeply traumatising experiences, however after managing to find a way out at 18 years old by attending University, the pain and loss of a foundation and home sent her into a downward spiral that ended with her in the icy grips of MS and then Lymes Disease... This is a tale of her unbreakable resolve both to heal.. and to find belonging.

Episode Notes

In this episode I get swept up into the incredible, yet traumatic, life-story of Shelly Moram.

Shelly was born into a very strict sect of Jehovahs Witnesses and during her early years experienced deeply traumatising experiences, however after managing to find a way out at 18 years old by attending University, the pain and loss of a foundation and home sent her into a downward spiral that ended with her in the icy grips of MS and then Lymes Disease... This is a tale of her unbreakable resolve both to heal.. and to find belonging.

Shelly ultimately found a way not only to reduce the ailments associated with her MS, she managed to self-heal and now, no longer has any trace of the auto-immune disease.

This is a journey of betrayal by a religious organisation, a pursuit to freedom and rational thinking through scientific studies, into atheism and then a fully embracive turn inward to the spirit within.

If you would like to contact Shelly please do so by writing a comment on Facebook at the This Wyrd World  page or sending a DM.

If you would like to see how meditation can help you, or if you would like more information on self-healing then do contact me, Tansy, via my healing website: Tansy Alexandra